Hafod Walled Garden Group
A group of mixed experience gardeners attempting to revive the Hafod Estate walled garden with fruit, veg and trees for the benefit of the wider community.
Shop coming in 2020!

The Hafod Walled Garden Group or H.W.G.G. began in October 2018 when a group of Hafod estate residents met to discuss the possibility of forming a group to take over the recently vacated Hafod walled garden tenancy. Subsequent meetings produced a ‘Not for Profit Community Interest Company’ comprising of six directors, who were able to commit to not only the legal and financial responsibilities but also with a passion and interest in the direction and hoped for outcomes of the project.
We value healthy lifestyles
Therefore, we promote gardening as healthy outdoor recreation for all ages. We encourage families to involve their children, . We provide support for community members with special needs, so they too can experience the joys of community gardening.
We value our connection to the land
Therefore, we use innovative organic gardening practices that enrich the soil, and our food. We educate our gardeners so they can share these practices with their families, friends, and neighbours. We conserve open space and wildlife habitat for the benefit of future generations.
We value access to healthy affordable food
Therefore, anyone can participate regardless of their financial circumstances. We offer harvest shares so those who cannot participate may still benefit from the community’s garden.
We value personal relationships within our community
Therefore, we promote gardening as a community experience – building relationships between families, friends and neighbours. We encourage cooperation and intergenerational dialogue between people of different viewpoints and backgrounds. We know these bonds will strengthen the community and make it a better place to work and live.
We need your help! Support us by donating here: